So no shit there I was….

That’s kind of an inside joke amongst my friends, whenever you start some wild story you lead with that, and I figured after not having written anything in 6 months it was more apapros than “Dear Diary” since it must have been something truly wild to have kept me, a dedicated, point A to point B, always see something through to the end, type of guy from his mission and the updating of his loyal, massive following.

So no shit there I was, about to hit submit on my very first vulnerability, and oh boy was it a doosie. RCE on a prominent banking platform. I could feel the pulse of the global economy and if I wanted I could close my fist and make that pulse flutter. I was cackling maniacally at what I had achieved and in my ego fueled madness accidently knocked over a can of Monster Energy on my computer. Long story short, my computer became self aware, there was a singularity, some time traveling and a rubber dong.

*Sigh* None of that is true (shocking I know. Huge bonus points if you know what I ripped that off from however). Like always it started out innocently enough. The target I was attempting to dive deep on up and got removed a couple days in (I probably didn’t pay attention to when the end date on the engagement was…oops), so I had to look for a new one. Then I got side tracked by a couple other projects. Then I got the COVID. Then I had some real life stuff come up that I won’t bore you with (Don’t you hate it when people say that? Just say that it’s painful shit and you don’t wanna talk about it. Don’t act like you’re doing them a favor by sparing them the boring details of your mundane life. Especially if it’s on a blog where clearly you’re a self indulgent jackass who thinks people are interested in what you have to say, sheesh).

So now what? I’m currently on my laptop in a foreign country (Oooh mysterious, how’d I get here? What am I doing?? I won’t bore you with the details), and we all know how productive I am on a laptop (read: not very). So I’ll at least be honest and say that my direct immediate future isn’t likely to contain me looking for a bug, much less finding one. But I’m also a huge contrarian, so maybe I’ll do it now just to make me look dumb (Take that past me, how dare you think you can control future me!).

They have a mentor channel on the SRT slack, so maybe I’ll write something there and see if anyone is interested in taking pity on me and giving me some guidance. Though maybe I should wait until I’m on my real setup? Also I plan on spamming my resume everywhere. I figure it’s about time I actually look for a job, as I think where I am currently it would be the best way to further my skills, and what better time to start looking than when the world is on the brink of a huge recession and possibly even total economic collapse!

How’s that for an update! I feel better now, how about you?