Dear Diary (I lied),

Also apparently I wasn’t kidding, it’s been two weeks, but I have an excuse I swear! I’ve had to do a bit of traveling and going from two 34” curved monitors to a single 13” laptop screen is more than anyone should have to bear. Windows overlap, there is scrolling, I have no idea what my wallpaper looks like, how do people live like this?! As a species we should have come together and eradicated this kind of savagery already, what are the leaders of the world doing?

I did spend a while looking at augmented reality goggles that will display as many monitors as you want while working on a laptop, but they aren’t cheap, and you look like a knob. I’ve got that second part covered already, but I’d have to find a few bugs to take care of that first one. Though I’m pretty sure it would constitute as a business expense and thus a write off, so basically that means it’s free right? Speaking of bugs and the act of finding them, I still don’t know what that feels like. I have nailed down a strategy however. Instead of deep diving into a single technique and trying to look for that across many sites, I’m going to deep dive on a single site. Ultimately I’m doing the whole bug bounty thing to improve my skills, not make my fortune, so I think this will be the most beneficial method. I’ve been reading about people aiming to spend 100 hours on a site, and I think that’s a bit much for me, but maybe at least 40h? I’ve got a site picked out, it has enough functionality it should keep me busy, it also uses a couple technologies I’d like to learn and understand a little better, so that excites me.

I think now that I have a plan in place it will be easier to dive in and work more consistently than a sporadic few hours every so often. Obviously I hope I find a bug, but my goal here is actually the process of intimately getting to know my opponent, how they act, what route they take to the office, do they pronounce gif correctly. I will study their every waking move. If I’m lucky while I’m riffling through the garbage late one night I’ll spot a smudge of liptstick on a napkin, a shade that could only be worn by a deep autumn, but the lady of the house is a light summer. One careless mistake no one was ever supposed to see and I will use it to unravel a web of lies and force a dark and shameful secret into the light of day. Or you know, I’ll just end up covered in trash, still empty handed, but with more experience and the learned knowledge of why it’s good to wear coveralls and how to avoid the brown goo that forms at the bottom of the bins. Win-win

Anyway, did I mention how hard life is on a laptop? So yeah, I’m signing off now.